Hidden Figure: Janis Mavis
Crystal: Who is Janis Mavis?
Janis: Janis Mavis is a woman of substance, culture, integrity, spirituality, and tranquility.
She strives each day to share her passion and creativity with others globally, and constantly provide a constructive platform for others to excel.
Crystal: Why is community radio important?
Janis: Community Radio offers an opportunity for people to have a voice. To collaborate ideas, suggestions, opinions, and resourceful information.
Crystal: How do you use your mic to foster change?
Janis: I utilize my mic to implement change and to assist people globally with their visions and dreams, transforming them into a reality.
Crystal: Do you believe radio is significant in creating grass roots movements?
Janis: Radio reaches an abundance of people globally in making a difference, and lobbying the general public, associations, companies, and corporations to partake in grass roots movements.
Crystal: How do you define philanthropy?
Janis: The energy and the passion that is seeded in your soul, and to assist others that are in human need of positive assistance.
Crystal: How did you come up with the idea for Authors Corner?
Janis: Actually, Author Corner was entitled by the Founder of WMEL Radio, “Where The Good Music Lives”, DJ Mel/Gamel Moore. Author Corner showcase and highlight Authors, Poets, Indie-Artists, Artists, Song-Writers, Entertainers, & Celebrities Each Thursday At 6PM EST.We Embrace Our Artists Passion & Creativity! www.wmelradio.net
Crystal: How do you empower others with your poetry?
Janis: I utilize my trials, tribulations, and lessons creating a positive message to the universe. Enhancing self-awareness, expressions, and motivation.
Crystal: Audre Lorde has a quote; “poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundation for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.” What does that quote mean to you?
Janis: Poetry is life expressions of reality, conquering change and transformation, and approaching our challenges and fears daily.
Crystal: What other philanthropic activities do you participate in?
Janis: I host creative writing workshops for the youth in urban communities.
Crystal: Who is your Hidden Figure/mentor?
Janis: Iyanla Vanzant.
Crystal: How do you define success?
Janis: Achieving objectives, goals, accomplishments, and desires. Implementing a plan of action and receiving a favorable out-come.
Crystal: What is your favorite book?
Janis: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers.
Crystal: What words of inspiration can you leave the audience?
Janis: Embrace yourself each day with love, hope, dreams, and desires. Share a kind word with others. Laugh! Love! Live!