Hidden Figure: Latisha Heath
Crystal: Who is Latisha Heath?
Latisha: Latisha Heath is a woman of God! Speaking on who I am requires a spiritual and physical response. In the physical, I am a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, leader and entrepreneur. I love family and indulge in the details of how God wants us to relate and interact with those he joined us with through blood. In the spiritual sense, I am a strong woman of God who operates in the Five Fold Apostolic Ministry. I love to encourage and inspire people with the word of God. My passion is to help others have the abundant life that is desired for us by the divine creator.
Crystal: What is the name of your organization?
Latisha: The ministries that I would like to share are: God Empowers Me (GEM), World In Need Outreach (WIN), and BeastMode Fitnezz. These ministries all works together to empower the mind, body, spirit and soul. GEM caters to the spiritual side of a person, which includes the mind, spirit and soul. GEM also encourages people to live a life of freedom by biblical principles. WIN helps us go beyond the four walls and extend ourselves to help others. BeastMode Fitnezz caters to empowering us to become healthy through diet and exercise using biblical principles.
Crystal: Talk about a pivotal moment in your life that motivated you to want to help other women?
Latisha: God allowed me make if out of some pretty serious relationships. The deliverance from those relationships motivated me to help women. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that he would use my shame as my platform. As he groomed and prepared me to share my testimony, I found out that many women were facing similar types of abuse in their relationships. They were able to draw strength from my testimony to seek God for answers and move on.
Crystal: What are some of the activities you host to assist women?
Latisha: God Empowers Me hosts many activities to empower women across the United States. We host monthly sessions called Coffee, Conversation and a Word. We also host vision board parties, weekly prayer and empowerment calls, outreach missions, and daily social media interactions and posts.
Crystal: How important is faith and spirituality in your organization?
Latisha: God Empowers Me Ministries (GEM) was founded on biblical principles used to empower people in all walks of life.
Crystal: What lessons of empowerment do you utilize to assist the women you serve?
Latisha: GEM motivates mentally, spiritually and physically. We promote the physical health by challenging members to complete thirty minutes of working out a day (GEMtyme). We promote healthy eating and provide fitness tips. GEM assists with those who are seeking to have a deeper understanding of their calling or vocation. Additionally, we contribute with helping to cope with life issues using individual and group interactive sessions.
Crystal: You recently made a huge jump, how has the experience enrich your life? Do you have any regrets?
Latisha: My recent jump has allowed me to really see want I am made of. My faith has been tested to see if I was really ready to walk to my potential. My life has been enriched because I fully trust God to take care of me and my family.
Crystal: There are three main characters in the movie Hidden Figures, which one resonates with you?
Latisha: The character in the movie who I think resonates with me is Katherine. She is very witty, tenacious and analytical. I am a person who looks at what the numbers are saying and how they play a part in the building of a background. Numbers tell a story, whether good or bad. Data is what gives us information on so many important things in the world.
Crystal: Tell us about your book?
Latisha: My book, Rivers of Living Water is a collection of God-inspired commentaries, essays and interpretations. Most use it as daily devotions to give them wisdom and insight of God’s word in a clear and simplistic way.
Crystal: What inspired you to write your book?
Latisha: The Holy Spirit inspired to publish Rivers of Living Water. I send out inspirational messages to my family and friends daily. God inspired me to compile those messages in a book. I was going through dark times in my life and the messages helped me to endure. I obtained strength from my own writings.
Crystal: What is your favorite quote?
Latisha: My favor quote comes from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Happiness to me is living life with freedom to be myself.
My favorite quote is: “In order to lead, you must first learn to follow”.
Crystal: What can the audience expect from you in the future?
Latisha: My audience can expect a wide variety of inspirational books that will empower the mind, body, spirit and soul. Also, I will be inspiring others to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.
Crystal: What words of inspiration can you leave the audience?
Latisha: “If you never start, you will never finish. Start living and fulfilling your dreams.”