Don’t Allow Fear to Suffocate your Dreams

Don’t Allow Fear to Suffocate your Dreams


You Block your Dream when you allow your fears to Grow Bigger than your Faith.

-President Barack Obama

Yesterday, I interviewed with Janis Mavis on WMEL 104.1. The show was amazing! I am still on an inspirational high from sharing my story with others. I held in my gifts for so long and suffocated my dream with fear. It is refreshing to speak to others. To inspire, encourage, and lift up others. I am here to tell you, stop suffocating your dreams. I wrote stories for years in silence. My mother, my sister, my best friends, no one knew I was writing. My big mama, my second mother, the matriarch of my family, the investigator of all family secrets, Lillie Mae Green, did not know I was secretly locked away in my room writing stories. To be honest, I have enough stories written in spiral notebooks to consistently published books for the next couple of years.

37241_1267871228585_2814342_nMy inspiration for writing began with storytelling. My grandparents were great story tellers. My paternal grandmother, Elouise Fishburne Holmes, was born in 1902. She did not read or write, but she told the best stories. I began writing as a form of entertainment when sitting on the porch, looking at cars pass on a dirt road. A little girl with a pen and paper, who dreamed day in and day out that she could be somebody. I never participated in writing programs in school, never raised my hand to be a talent in school or church plays, but secretly I wrote stories and poems. I dreamed and I wrote. I held those dreams, locked them in spiral notebooks for years, until that small voice inside said, you are good enough. Don’t allow fear to suffocate your dreams.

Dream the impossible. Dream dreams that are bigger than you wildest thoughts. You can be anything you want to be. Get started on being the person you are destined to be and put in the work. Stop hiding behind insecurities and fear. Stop letting other people put their fears on you. Just stop and be you. Be the person you believe God 36393_1270384131406_4589406_ncreated you to be.

I, a little chocolate girl from Hollywood, South Carolina is a published author, poet, playwright, and future film maker. Encourage, uplift, and inspire yourself and others to be great! Also, greatness is a community effort. I have a strong support system and I had a great mentor. Learn everything you can about what you are doing. Although I have a college education, you can seek education in different forms. Don’t let a degree, or lack thereof, stop you from going after your dreams. Google University and your local library can provide you with enough education to become the next big thing.


 me natural

Crystal Myers                                      

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