Week One: Weekday Vegetarian Challenge

One Girl’s Journey to Fit: Surviving Week One


For me shedding the weight means freeing yourself to tell the truth and be the truth in every spectrum of your life.

-Oprah Winfrey

This week has been a challenge. For starters, who knew there were at least five different types of vegetarians? Well, if you knew, I didn’t. When most people think of vegetarians, they think of a person who does not eat meat. However, some vegetarians do not eat dairy products, eggs, honey, gelatin, etc.

There are a lot of things you cannot indulge in if you practice a vegetarian diet. For instance, a common snack, like Twinkies, is on the do not eat list. Twinkies are made with beef fat. Yes, you read that right, beef fat. Another surprising item on the do not eat list, Starburst. Starburst is made using gelatin.

Here are the different types of vegetarians: Flexitarian/Semi-Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Lacto-ovo Vegetarian, Vegan, and Raw Vegan. A Flexitarian is a person who mostly eats a vegetarian diet, but occasionally eats meat. A Pescatarian eats fish but abstains from eating all other forms of meat. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians do not eat pork, poultry, fish, beef, or animal flesh, but does eat eggs and dairy products. A vegan does not eat meat of any kind nor do they eat eggs or dairy products. Raw vegans eat raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, and sea vegetables. This diet involves no cooking.

I know that was a lot of information to take in, but you have to know where you fit before starting the weekday vegetarian diet. Now that I know the types of vegetarians, I can say for this challenge, I will follow the Lacto-ovo Vegetarian diet.

Here’s to week one of the weekday vegetarian diet. I lost three pounds and gained a new perspective on what it is to be a vegetarian. My favorite recipe of the week was stuffed pineapple and quinoa.


Quinoa            Peppers (red, yellow, orange)  Spinach   Vegetable Broth    Salt   Pineapple    Mushrooms   Yellow Onion

quinoaWeight Loss     weight loss

Week 1: 4 lbs

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