What Now?

What Now?

what now picture

There are a little over 100 days left in the year, what are you going to do to close it out with a bang? Did you spend time making a vision board at the top of the year? Did you follow through? If not, what now?

What is your implementation strategy for the remainder of the year? Do you know what sets entrepreneurs and 9-to-5’ers apart from millionaires? The answer is simple, implementation. Millionaires implement ideas, concepts, and strategies within 24 to 48 hours of creation. If you allow yourself time to sit on an idea, you will probably procrastinate or talk yourself out of it before it is created.

What are you going to do to finish 2016 strong? You’ve done the prep work so, what now? Practice what you’ve prepared. It does not have to be perfect. If you wait for perfection you will miss your opportunity.

We all have the same 24 hours. The only thing that separates you from the game changers like the Steve Harveys, Kevin Harts and Shonda Rhimeses of the world is implementation and drive. You have to want it bad enough to work for it. These entrepreneurs are awake when the rest of the world is sleeping. They are making money in their sleep, yet they get up every morning and push themselves to do more.

Here are some WHAT NOW problems we face and answers to get pass them so you can move into your purpose.

My family, spouse, or significant other won’t support me, WHAT NOW? Everyone who you think will be in your corner will not be there. Some of your closest friends will question why you are doing whatever it is you are pursuing. Some people don’t understand the hustle and grind. Some don’t understand why you would spend money on what they consider a hobby when you can just work your nine-to-five. However, if you are like me and entrepreneurship runs through your veins, you won’t stop trying until something works.

I made a mistake launching, WHAT NOW? I made a lot of mistakes releasing my first book. I did not have the time to sit back and think WHAT NOW. I had to fix my mistakes quickly. I submitted the wrong file to the printer and ended up with a hundred books I could not sell. Then, I reprinted the book only to discover that the editor and I missed somethings. So, once again I had to have the book reprinted. I still cringe about the idea of books with mistakes floating around the world with my name on them. WHAT NOW? Do I stop and cry or do I pick myself up and keep going? For me, I keep going. Mistakes are stepping stones to greatness. Do not let mistakes stop you from working towards your goal. I’ve turned my self-publishing mistakes into a course that I will be launching in 2017.

I’ve completed and taken my vision off of my vision board and made a successful product, WHAT NOW? After you have a successful season of implementation you may find yourself asking, WHAT NOW. What do I do next? How do I keep the momentum going? It doesn’t matter how, but you have to keep going. One idea can be turned into several streams of income. For instance, one book can lead to speaking engagements, online courses, and miscellaneous products. Don’t stop at one successful idea. Keep dreaming and pushing yourself to do more.

Life is full of possibilities. Don’t let your vision sit on your vision board year after year. You are the visionary. Put your vision to work. Answer your WHAT NOW and finish 2016 strong.

me natural

Crystal Myers

CEO of Crystal Myers Writes & Creative Expressions Press

Self-Publishing Coach



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