DARE to Dream BIG!

Life holds special magic for those who dare to dream.

-Author Unknown

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Recently, Steve Harvey challenged his audience to think BIG! He challenged them to write down 500 things they want. Yes, you read that right, 500 things. Are you capable of thinking of and writing down 500 things? Better yet, can you think of 100 things? How about 25? If you can’t think of at least 25 things you want, you need to re-evaluate your thought process. Everyone should be able to think of 25 things, goals, or dreams.

Why do we limit our dreams? Do we think we are not deserving or capable of thinking BIG? Steve stated, we don’t think big because our minds are not conditioned to think that way. He also mentioned, we are trained to think only of what fits our current paycheck and situation. Is Steve right? Can you see beyond your current situation? Often times, we let our inner voice and the voices of those around us stop us before we get started. Don’t let someone else’s fears, failures, and negative energy suffocate your dreams.

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Write down your thoughts and dreams. Writing it down makes it real. It is a great way to hold yourself accountable. Speak life into your dreams and goals. Be self-accountable by giving yourself a target time to reach your goals. If the time passes without you reaching the dream or goal, realign your thoughts and put more time and effort into making your dream a reality. If you feel others won’t be receptive to your dreams, keep them to yourself. I never dreamt my goal of becoming an author would be a reality, but here I stand, a self-published author. Keep going. I assure you, there is magic in thinking and dreaming BIG.

#thinkbig #positivethinking #daretodream

me natural

Crystal Myers

CEO of Crystal Myers Writes & Creative Expressions Press



My Top 5 BIG Dreams…………………

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Bestselling Author





dream 3Table Mtn, South Africa




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TV Writer




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