Virtual Mentors


Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

-John C Crosby

Can someone be your mentor and not know it? After all, a mentor is someone you look to for advice, accountability, and guidance. Live streaming, the new wave of spontaneous conversation, has made it possible to get all of that through your smart phone. Business defines virtual mentoring as implementing video conferencing via the Internet and e-mail to mentor individuals and whole companies.

In today’s world of live streaming, you can find a virtual mentor on multiple social media platforms at any given time. Live streaming has made it easy to not only follow someone, but to interact with individuals without meeting them face-to-face. It gives you the ability to give and receive advice, guidance, and receive the help you need. Periscope, my favorite live streaming app, is where I found my virtual mentor. I found someone whom I would probably have never met in life. When I see my virtual mentor broadcasts on a social media platform, I immediately grab my playbook and begin taking notes.

I began blogging because my virtual mentor started a broadcast series focused on content generation. She holds her followers accountable for implementation. I’ve always wanted to blog, but I was not sure where I would get the content from or if anyone would be interested in reading my blog. I used every excuse possible not to be a blogger, but my virtual mentor held me accountable. As a mentee, I followed her guide and I began to post content. Watching and following is great; however, implementation is key.

live stream


Mentorship is important. It is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you do not have the time to meet face-to-face with a mentor, do yourself a favor and find a virtual mentor. Make sure it is someone in your industry who has the experience and knowledge to help you become a success. You have to hold yourself accountable. Just watching a person’s broadcast is not enough to get the most out of the virtual mentorship experience. You have to implement the strategies and put plans into action in order to achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself.

pulling a person up

I’m going switch gears and end this blog with a story about traditional mentorship. One of the mentors from my youth died last year and I would like to acknowledge the impact he had on my life and the lives of so many youths in my home church. My former pastor, Rev Clementa Pinckney, was one of my first mentors. He poured so much into everyone he encountered. He believed and lived the concept of a purpose-driven life. As a person who benefited from his knowledge, grace, and life, I feel it is my responsibility to do my best. There are no excuses. I will push myself and with God’s willing, fulfill all of my dreams because of the path that was laid out before me.

Rev. Pinckney did things for me and others that he never spoke about. He made moves and paved the way without expecting anything in return. He showed the youth that dreams are possible and you can be whatever and whomever you want to be if you work hard. He did so many great things in silence. He did not want the recognition; he just wanted you to WIN.

Mentorship is important. No matter where you are in life, there is something you can offer to someone coming behind you. Knowledge is power. Be the MENTOR you needed when you were GROWING UP!

If you are lost and in need of a great mentor, log in to Periscope, Blab, or Facebook Live and seek out a virtual mentor who is WINNING in the field you are pursuing. Great advice, guidance, and strategies for success are just a click away!


me natural


Crystal Myers

CEO of Crystal Myers Writes

Self-Publishing Diva

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